Monday, December 6, 2010

Hello love.

Hello readers,
I 've moved (again)! 
Yep. The main reason's cuz blogger's not letting me upload picz on this blog anymore cuz I've uploaded too much and have used up the storage in the Picasa Web Albums thingy. (Click create a new post. Then click the 'insert image' Icon. Then the 3rd option says 'From Picasa Web Albums.") Yes, that. I've used it up. So therefore, i've created a new blog! Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Love you guys, relink me! @ (:  xoxo.

Btw, i'm leaving my blog here instead of deleting it 'cuz i guess y'all might want to read the older posts. But if no, then just ignore this blog! :D

Chocolate mayhem,

Hello lovelys. So it was kinda a short day today. But it'll be a long post, don't worry. (: Lol. I'm bored. So i went to dinner today. Okay, that's kinda normal. But i mean, i went out for dinner. Lol. Weird. Okay, here're some picturessssss.

Yeah. Lol. No link to the dinner, but whatever man. Yeah, actually it's not gonna be a long post, it's just gonna be pictures, and a few sentences. Haikal is being very annoying and i fucking hate it. Bye bitched. xoxo.